Professional Services Quality Survey
For the past 6 years SDA have been contracted by a consortium of Universities to conduct their Professional Services Quality Survey (PSQS).
The job
The survey consists of a number of Institution specific questions followed by a common set of questions evaluating staffs’ levels of satisfaction with different service units (HR, IT, libraries, registrar, operations and facilities). A link to the surveys is sent to all staff in each participating institution.
Engaging with our customer
The original research company contracted to do the project came to SDA in 2015 because setting up the customised survey for each Institution was very time consuming. The ‘DIY’ survey software they were using was unable to provide all the display and randomisation features that were required. We were able to provide a cost effective solution by automating the process of creating the questionnaire for each new institution.
Moving on
After the first year the original contractor asked us to take over the whole project. We evolved the procedure to enable the delivery of:
- individual Institution reports
- benchmark reports comparing each Institution with the aggregated performance of the other Institutions, and
- reports comparing performance by year.
The University of Nottingham takes the lead in the consortium.
Continual Improvement
The system, which has now reached a significant level of maturity, has recently been fitted with R Shiny interactive dashboards. This enables managers from all areas of the enterprise to interrogate the data across multiple views from pre-set reports to complete flexibility in describing their required variables and granularity.